Chan Ly Nguyen

With nearly 8 years of experience in multimedia communications, I've had the opportunity to create significant brand value for nearly 300 corporate clients and close to 200 individual clients. Each brand represents a unique story with various challenges. Every time I sit down to listen to business owners share their experiences and concerns, I find the journey of entrepreneurship increasingly fascinating. Anyone willing to face this journey, regardless of the outcome, has lived a life worth living. I quietly extend my appreciation to the entrepreneurs who diligently care for their businesses every day, nurture their colleagues, and serve communities in need.

Professional Roles

Brand Strategy Consultant

Through the process of working with many brands and experiences of collaborating on projects with other agencies in the market, I deploy strategic consulting services on brand building and communication, suitable for the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

Media Producer

Plan, deploy, and monitor the production of media products according to brand requirements. Act as the focal point between the agency and the brand, ensuring the project is on schedule, on budget and achieving high quality products.

Media Coach for Human Resources in Businesses

Deploy training packages at 3 levels: Strategic Implementation; Changing Mindset; Upgrading Professional Skills with the primary goal of upgrading the operating staff in the enterprise with high performance.

Digital Transformation Consultant

Research and analyze the digital transformation context and resources of businesses. Deploy network infrastructure, servers for businesses and modules in the ERP system in accordance with the business model of the enterprise.

Testimonials from Partners
